Live Class Registration Only

Closed Captioning

PLEASE NOTE: This class does not include a replay recording. This is a live "Pay what you can" class only.  There are no exceptions to this policy.

Shine Workshop: Radical self-acceptance

Engage in an intimate, meaningful and empowering workshop experience to explore the art and practice of radical acceptance. Monique will facilitate discussion and mindful practices to support you in understanding radical acceptance and how to begin integrating it into your life.

    1. Terms Acknowledgement

    2. Welcome and Ground Rules

    1. Session Guide

    2. Stay Connected with our mobile app

    1. Shine Workshop: Radical self-acceptance

Live Class: June 27th | 7:30 pm - 9:30 pm EST

  • Included in Shine Bright School Membership
  • Non-members: Pay What You Want
  • No replay option available for purchase.

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  • $50.00 / month

    Shine Bright Community Membership

    Our mission at the Shine Bright School is to provide education, support, and connection for people committing to Black liberation. Join us today for access to more events & experiences.
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